Netapp post-transition snapshot cleanup with powershell

I do some work with customers transitioning from 7-mode to modern ONTAP (Clustered Data OnTap). When you transition with the excellent 7mtt tool it helpfully transitions snapshots made on the source system to the new system and optionally will duplicate the snapshot schedule on the old system using the new snapshot policies capability. However, the old snapshots from 7-mode are not automatically rolled off. Removal of those old snapshots is left to the administrator. Specifically, the ONTAP manual says:


After the storage cutover operation is completed, delete the unwanted 7-Mode Snapshot copies:

snap delete -vserver <svm_name> -volume <volume_name> -snapshot <snapshot_name>

This is less helpful then it sounds as there may be hundreds of snapshots to remove. 7mtt doesn't provide any post-transition facilities to help automate this. So what to do with all of those hourly.1 , weekly.2 and other 7 mode snapshots? The PowerShell Toolkit offers some useful capabilities to identify and automate removal of legacy snapshots in a more intelligent way than banging away in the GUI or console.

First of all, what is the task we'd like to express in code? We'd like to remove legacy 7-mode snapshots and we'd like to manage that by date relative to the current date. For example, we'd like to remove snapshots that transitioned over from the 7-mode source system that are older than 7 days. if they were still on the old system, the would have automatically rolled off based on they 7 mode snap schedule.

First order of business is to examine a snapshot that I know came over from 7-mode and see what sort of attributes we might use to filter and select snapshots matching my criteria.

  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> Get-NcSnapshot -Volume summation_d -SnapName hourly.1 |format-list

  AccessTime                                 : 1500073256
  AccessTimeDT                               : 7/14/2017 6:00:56 PM
  Busy                                       : False
  Comment                                    :
  CompressionType                            : none
  ContainsLunClones                          :
  CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocks          : 0
  CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocks           : 0
  CumulativeTotal                            : 1830633472
  CumulativeTotalBlocks                      : 1787728
  Dependency                                 :
  ExpiryTime                                 :
  ExpiryTimeDT                               :
  InfiniteSnaplockExpiryTime                 :
  InofileVersion                             : 3
  Is7ModeSnapshot                            : True
  IsConstituentSnapshot                      : False
  Name                                       : hourly.1
  NcController                               :
  PercentageOfTotalBlocks                    : 0
  PercentageOfUsedBlocks                     : 0
  SnaplockExpiryTime                         :
  SnaplockExpiryTimeDT                       :
  SnapmirrorLabel                            :
  SnapshotInstanceUuid                       : 4adfc2ed-68e8-11e7-8340-123478563412
  SnapshotOwnersList                         :
  SnapshotVersionUuid                        : 4adfc2ed-68e8-11e7-8340-123478563412
  State                                      :
  Total                                      : 7139328
  TotalBlocks                                : 6972
  Volume                                     : summation_d
  VolumeProvenanceUuid                       : a5613fc1-fae7-4dff-af65-84c27712fb58
  Vserver                                    : BW_ISCSI_SVM
  AccessTimeSpecified                        : True
  BusySpecified                              : True
  ContainsLunClonesSpecified                 : False
  CumulativePercentageOfTotalBlocksSpecified : True
  CumulativePercentageOfUsedBlocksSpecified  : True
  CumulativeTotalSpecified                   : True
  ExpiryTimeSpecified                        : False
  InfiniteSnaplockExpiryTimeSpecified        : False
  InofileVersionSpecified                    : True
  Is7ModeSnapshotSpecified                   : True
  IsConstituentSnapshotSpecified             : True
  PercentageOfTotalBlocksSpecified           : True
  PercentageOfUsedBlocksSpecified            : True
  SnaplockExpiryTimeSpecified                : False
  TotalSpecified                             : True
  Cumulative                                 : 1830633472
  Created                                    : 7/14/2017 6:00:56 PM

We have some interesting values here we can filter on. For the post-transition use case, the boolean Is7ModeSnapshotSpecified looks promising. We should also be able to key on the Created attribute's timestamp value.

Let's take a look at snapshots filtering first on 7-mode and then identifying snaps older than 7 days from volumes in a particular SVM.

  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> get-ncvol -vserver BW_ISCSI_SVM | get-ncsnapshot | ?{$_.Is7ModeSnapshot } |  ?{ $_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) }

  Name                      Volume               Vserver                   Created      Total Cumulative Dependency
  ----                      ------               -------                   -------      ----- ---------- ----------
  weekly.3                  summation_archive    BW_ISCSI_SVM            6/19/2017    12.9 MB    12.9 MB
  weekly.2                  summation_archive    BW_ISCSI_SVM            6/26/2017    18.6 MB    31.5 MB
  weekly.1                  summation_archive    BW_ISCSI_SVM             7/3/2017    11.4 MB    42.8 MB
  nightly.6                 summation_archive    BW_ISCSI_SVM             7/7/2017     9.5 MB    52.3 MB
  nightly.5                 summation_archive    BW_ISCSI_SVM             7/8/2017     9.5 MB    61.8 MB
  weekly.3                  summation_d          BW_ISCSI_SVM            6/19/2017    76.3 MB    76.3 MB
  weekly.2                  summation_d          BW_ISCSI_SVM            6/26/2017    76.6 MB   152.9 MB
  weekly.1                  summation_d          BW_ISCSI_SVM             7/3/2017    74.0 MB   226.9 MB
  nightly.6                 summation_d          BW_ISCSI_SVM             7/7/2017    21.1 MB   248.0 MB
  nightly.5                 summation_d          BW_ISCSI_SVM             7/8/2017    26.9 MB   274.9 MB
  weekly.3                  summation_data       BW_ISCSI_SVM            6/19/2017    16.3 MB    16.3 MB
  weekly.2                  summation_data       BW_ISCSI_SVM            6/26/2017    16.3 MB    32.6 MB
  weekly.1                  summation_data       BW_ISCSI_SVM             7/3/2017    15.2 MB    47.9 MB
  nightly.6                 summation_data       BW_ISCSI_SVM             7/7/2017    12.7 MB    60.6 MB
  nightly.5                 summation_data       BW_ISCSI_SVM             7/8/2017    13.2 MB    73.8 MB

(I snip the output for brevity). This works pretty well. By the way, the "?{" bit of syntax for the filter is shortand for Where-Object -filterscript { .Deleting all the snaps older than 7 days within the vserver would look like this

  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> get-ncvol -vserver BW_ISCSI_SVM | get-ncsnapshot | ?{$_.Is7ModeSnapshot } |  ?{ $_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) } | Remove-NcSnapshot -whatif
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.3 from volume summation_archive.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.2 from volume summation_archive.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.1 from volume summation_archive.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.6 from volume summation_archive.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.5 from volume summation_archive.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.3 from volume summation_d.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.2 from volume summation_d.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.1 from volume summation_d.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.6 from volume summation_d.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.5 from volume summation_d.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.3 from volume summation_data.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.2 from volume summation_data.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.1 from volume summation_data.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.6 from volume summation_data.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.5 from volume summation_data.

I just remove the -WhatIf to proceed. That gets me all the snaps in one vserver, but I'd like to get them all, I could just specify the above command a few more times with the vserver names, or I could capture the relevant data vservers. First I need to take a look at a vserver object to review it's attributes.

  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> Get-NcVserver -Name BW_ISCSI_SVM | format-list

  AggrList                            :
  AllowedProtocols                    : {iscsi, ndmp}
  AntivirusOnAccessPolicy             : default
  CachingPolicy                       :
  Comment                             :
  DisallowedProtocols                 : {nfs, cifs, fcp}
  Ipspace                             : Default
  IsConfigLockedForChanges            : False
  IsRepositoryVserver                 : False
  IsVserverProtected                  :
  Language                            : c.utf_8
  LdapDomain                          :
  MaxVolumes                          : unlimited
  NameMappingSwitch                   : {file}
  NameServerSwitch                    : {file}
  NcController                        :
  NisDomain                           :
  OperationalState                    : running
  OperationalStateStoppedReason       :
  QosPolicyGroup                      :
  QuotaPolicy                         : default
  RootVolume                          : BW_ISCSI_SVM_root
  RootVolumeAggregate                 : bwnetapp3_data
  RootVolumeSecurityStyle             : unix
  SnapshotPolicy                      : default
  State                               : running
  Uuid                                : beb7b977-423d-11e7-8aff-00a098b2985b
  VolumeDeleteRetentionHours          : 12
  VserverAggrInfoList                 :
  VserverName                         : BW_ISCSI_SVM
  VserverSubtype                      : default
  VserverType                         : data
  IsConfigLockedForChangesSpecified   : True
  IsRepositoryVserverSpecified        : True
  IsVserverProtectedSpecified         : False
  MaxVolumesSpecified                 : True
  VolumeDeleteRetentionHoursSpecified : True
  Vserver                             : BW_ISCSI_SVM

So now I can capture all of my data vservers keying on the VserverType attribute.

  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> $vservers = Get-NcVserver  | ?{$_.vservertype -eq 'data'}
  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> $vservers

  Vserver                   State      VserverType   Comment
  -------                   -----      -----------   -------
  BW_CIFS_SVM               running    data
  BW_ISCSI_SVM              running    data
  BW_ISCSI_SVM2             running    data
  BW_NFS_SVM                running    data

And run my query again providing the cmdlet with my vservers list

  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> get-ncvol -vserver $vservers | get-ncsnapshot | ?{$_.Is7ModeSnapshot } |  ?{ $_.Created -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) } | Remove-NcSnapshot -whatif
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.4 from volume admin_logs.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.3 from volume admin_logs.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.2 from volume admin_logs.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.1 from volume admin_logs.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.6 from volume admin_logs.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.5 from volume admin_logs.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.4 from volume admin_logs.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.0 from volume admin_logs.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.2 from volume software.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.1 from volume software.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.6 from volume software.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.5 from volume software.
  What if: Deleting snapshot nightly.4 from volume software.
  What if: Deleting snapshot weekly.0 from volume software.

This little bit of powershell will save tons of time. There are other use cases for this as well. If I need to alter snapshot policies for several volumes, I may need to go back and remove snapshots created by the previous policy. I can filter using string matching on the snapshot names. I can exclude volumes either by first putting together a list of relevant volumes and looping over them or if it's a single volume by adding a -notlike 'volname` filter to skip that volume.

After doing a 7mtt transition, snapshot policies and related schedules are created with a transition prefix in the name. 7mtt does a good job consolidating those policies but you might still want to simplify, rationalize and remove those transition policies and eventually use the above methods to expire their snapshots.

First we need to get a list of snapshot policies matching the wildcard

  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> $transitionpolicies = Get-NcSnapshotPolicy | ?{$_.policy-like "transition*"}
  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> $transitionpolicies

  Policy               Enabled SnapshotPolicySchedules
  ------               ------- -----------------------
  transition_snapsh...  True   {transition_snapshot_schedule_0 (5), transition_snapshot_schedule_1 (7), transition_sna...
  transition_snapsh...  True   {transition_snapshot_schedule_3 (104), transition_snapshot_schedule_4 (7), transition_s...
  transition_snapsh...  True   {transition_snapshot_schedule_6 (5), transition_snapshot_schedule_7 (7), transition_sna...
  transition_snapsh...  True   {transition_snapshot_schedule_9 (4), transition_snapshot_schedule_10 (7), transition_sn...
  transition_snapsh...  True   {transition_snapshot_schedule_12 (4), transition_snapshot_schedule_13 (7), transition_s...
  transition_snapsh...  True   {transition_snapshot_schedule_15 (6), transition_snapshot_schedule_16 (7), transition_s...
  transition_snapsh...  True   {transition_snapshot_schedule_18 (4), transition_snapshot_schedule_19 (7), transition_s...

Then grab a list of volumes that have those policies. assigned. Get-NcVol with a -query is a more advanced technique.

  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> $transitionsnappolvols = @()
  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> foreach ($policy in $transitionpolicies) {
  >> $mytempvol = get-ncvol -query @{volumesnapshotattributes = @{snapshotpolicy = $policy.policy}}
  >> $transitionsnappolvols += $mytempvol
  >> }
  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> $transitionsnappolvols

  Name                      State       TotalSize  Used  Available Dedupe Aggregate                 Vserver
  ----                      -----       ---------  ----  --------- ------ ---------                 -------
  admin_logs                online       200.0 GB   12%   175.8 GB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_CIFS_SVM
  wsdocs                    online        15.0 TB   81%     2.8 TB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_CIFS_SVM
  summation_d               online       975.0 GB   72%   266.0 GB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_ISCSI_SVM1
  summation_data            online       500.0 GB   49%   252.5 GB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_ISCSI_SVM1
  brewssql_db               online         1.9 TB   73%   511.7 GB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_ISCSI_SVM2
  brewssql_logs             online         2.2 TB   77%   510.2 GB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_ISCSI_SVM2
  summationsql_backup_lun   online         4.4 TB   51%     2.1 TB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_ISCSI_SVM1
  summation_archive         online       275.0 GB   72%    76.9 GB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_ISCSI_SVM1
  summation_pro_lun         online         2.8 TB   75%   707.8 GB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_ISCSI_SVM1
  summationsql_d            online       750.0 GB   70%   219.5 GB  True  bwnetapp4_data            BW_ISCSI_SVM1

We go ahead and capture the list of matching volumes so we can proceed with other actions. As an example we could alter their snapshot policies. Here we need to use Update-NcVol with templates to populate the objects and attributes.

  PS C:\Users\Scott\Scripts> foreach ($vol in $transitionsnappolvols) {
  >> $VOLattrs = Get-NcVol -Template
  >> $VOLquery = Get-NcVol -Template
  >> Initialize-NcObjectProperty -Object $VOLattrs -Name VolumeSnapshotAttributes
  >> Initialize-NcObjectProperty -Object $VOLquery -Name VolumeIdAttributes
  >> $VOLquery.VolumeIdAttributes.Name = $vol.Name
  >> $VOLattrs.VolumeSnapshotAttributes.SnapshotPolicy = 'arlaw_default'
  >> update-ncvol -whatif -query $volquery -attributes $volattrs }
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.
  What if: Modifying one or more volumes.

Later on we can go back and use that list of volumes we captured to clean up transition* snapshots more than X days old or just use the above method to first filter on a wildcard snapshot name with "?{$_.Name -like "transition*"}" and then filter again applying the date math to the Created attribute.

This post was inspired by this community forum response from Andrew Sullivan as well as the NetApp PowerShell 101 series on his blog.


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