Archive for the 'Internet' Category

Why I’m doing this and a note on self-censorship

Well, if for no other reason, everyone else is blogging (I really hate that term, actually). Actually I really needed a home for some documentation notes for myself. I’ve always kept little README files around noting changes I’ve made and things I discovered but it’s really better to have them in one place like this. […]

So you have just one IP address and a bunch of machines behind NAT. You’ve got port redirection working so your interal webserver behind the firewall is serving pages. But now you’ve got a second box that you need to host content on. Perhaps you have need to have a separate webserver running mod_perl and […]

Scott Harney

   (GPG key)


An online copy of my resume (PDF)

Photo Album

My current pictures via Flickr.
Older family pictures.


    You are currently browsing the Nix Bits weblog archives for the 'Internet' category.

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    I got married on 9/4/2004. So click for details, already.

    Old stuff

    Links and writings from older versions of this site
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    Free DNS