10 years

A recent T-P series explains that we basically have 10 years to save Louisiana.


People around the country have no idea what a big deal this is. To them. Not just us. My fear is that the set of people who already have written us off will see this series as simply more justification that you “can’t fight nature.” They won’t even do us the courtesy of cost vs benefits analysis. I don’t think people realize how much of a man-made problem this is. The T-P lays it out clearly

There was even more evidence in an article yesterday about the denial of a grant to complete repairs on the Francois Cousin house in St Tammany parish. The house near Slidell was built between 1787 and 1789 around the same time as Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop in the French Quarter. The current owners bought the house in 1975.

A Tulane University study conducted just after the Lowrys’ purchase of the house revealed the building had never flooded. But in the years since and ending with Katrina, the home’s foundation has flooded three times.

For 188 years, this house never floods. And then in just the last 30 years, that changes.

And yet there’s no sense of urgency in the Federal government. It’s hard to imagine that the political will to fix this exists and can proceed in a 10 year window.

Scott Harney

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