Author Archive for scotth

McCain needs to read a newspaper or watch some TV

“That is why we need to go back is to have a conversation about what to do -rebuild it, tear it down, you know, whatever it is,” McCain Said What a MORON. Hey Johnnie, how about you do some research and get back to us. You can start with today’s latimes editorial by John Barry […]

Not Your Typical Monday

Monday I decided I knew better than to try and head to the office. On Saturday we got notices informing us that a movie stunt scene was going to be filmed on our block and the neighborhood was going to be heavily restrict all day long both driving and parking. And I noticed too that […]

$unnamed_vendor says, “Doh!”

So at work I’ve been talking to $unnamed_vendor about their product that we’ve been purchasing in relatively small numbers up to this point. I work for a company with a couple of large scale data centers, one here in the area and the other in Little Rock as well as some smaller sites. From an […]

Good weekends in New Orleans

So we’ve had a couple of the wife’s relatives in for visits the past few weeks and had a good time all around. We took brother-in-law #1 to Jacques Imo’s for dinner where he had a stuffed pork chop roughly the size of his head. Per his own request, we took him on the devastation […]

Crime cameras not so effective

Seems those crime cameras aren’t so effective. But at least they make people “feel secure.” Now if they could just figure out how to get them to generate revenue….

But Who Will Save the Children

So Ms. Skenazy let her kid take an independent ride on the Subway and lots of parents are just up in arms at the idea. I seem to remember having a lot more latitude than kids have today. Now, I’m not a parent, but it seems like today more and more parents just want to […]

French Quarter Fest afterglow

No Monday can take a great French Quarter Fest weekend away. It’s a classic only-in-New-Orleans feeling that is Monday morning kryptonite. This may be heresy, but I prefer FQF to Jazz Fest these days. It’s all local music that you can here for free. It’s spread throughout the Quarter. And it has all the food […]

Rest in Peace, Dr. Morris

Dr. Ashley Morris passed away yesterday unexpectedly in Florida. I never had the opportunity to meet him in person but I am nonetheless stunned and saddened. He was loud, proud, funny and one of our city’s most passionate advocates. I read his postings nearly every day and regret never having met him in person. His […]

Server Go Boom

So last thursday I find the server that houses this site, my domain, my pictures, is unavailable. The server actually belongs to a friend who runs a business on it. I have helped him over the years keep the machine and the site up and running. It’s been housed on the same box since at […]

We Keep Fighting

Celcus tipped me to this post by Karen Gadbois.  She’s been up in D.C with several other locals and they gave it to Donald Powell. I’ve said it before that I wish we had at least one local or state official with enough backbone to tell Mr. Powell that he is no longer welcome in […]

Scott Harney

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