Resume updates and ideas

I’ve always kept a copy of my resume posted online. It’s just easier to point requesters at a URL link. I can also cut and paste it quickly and the format I have it in prints well. I like this because I don’t have to maintain a separate copy in a word processor.

A couple of years ago I was asked to make extensive revisions to it to make it more concise. Previously, I used a more detailed C.V. format. The downside was that I lost of lot of what I think is relevant and interesting detail. On the one hand, it’s the kind of detail you might include in a cover letter or talk about in an interview. But I feel like it’s these details that differentiate me.

So I came up with a fairly unique solution. If you glide the mouse over the resume, some of the items become bold and the text changes to blue indicating a clickable link. Click the link and a popup appears providing context and further depth on that item. It’s a compromise between the two resume approaches and makes it more compelling — in my opinion at least. :)

I do sometimes get questions about posting my resume so publically and potentially offending my current employer. I don’t think posting a resume necessarily says I’m job hunting. In fact, I like to think my resume speaks well of my current employer. And I’m proud of the work I’ve done and continue to do in my career so this is my way expressing that.

Scott Harney

   (GPG key)


An online copy of my resume (PDF)

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    I got married on 9/4/2004. So click for details, already.

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